Coach Gus Martin
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Meet Gus Martin

Gus Martin Chevron Blue and Red.png

Your personal coach


My journey into the health and fitness industry came after spending 9 years in the Royal Marines as a Physical Training Instructor. The transition from this role to that of a Personal Trainer (PT) seemed the natural choice.

My time in the Marines taught me many skills but what truly sticks out were 3 key things: the virtue of hard work, teamwork is essential for any level of success and that a human being really is capable of almost superhuman ability if they are sufficiently motivated and are surrounded by the right people.

Since leaving the marines these three guiding principles have become my mantra and is something I look to impart on everybody I coach.

After spending less than 6 months as a PT I realised that to make a real difference with people, I needed to further my knowledge in nutrition, eventually deciding to enroll in Nutritional Therapy Diploma with Institute for Optimum Nutrition.

Four years and approximately 4500 study hours later I qualified as Nutritional Therapist (NT) and began practising as both a PT and an NT. A combination of skill sets that far enhanced the results I got with clients.

Further to this I have continued to invest in my personal development as practitioner, not only keeping up with the latest research and practices in the health and fitness, but also delving heavily into the psychology of habits, motivation and change. It is this insight that I believe allows me to put information into action with clients, which then delivers the subsequent results. 



  • Nutritional Therapy Diploma

  • Personal Training Diploma

  • Royal Marines Commando Physical Training Instructor

  • Weightlifting coach

  • Biosignature practitioner